Saturday, August 14, 2010

Worker Profiles! New Edition to CPFD!

Hey .. well this post is actually to notify the workers that .. They have their own profiles now!.. It's a different website.. but it looks the same.. and will be linked as a page here! Workers will be able to edit their profile however they want.. but their profile MUST have..

1. Twitter Link ( If they have a twitter)
2. Drawing they made ( any of them you want.. and you dont have to put all of them)
3. Profile Picture.. ( of penguin lol ).. Country.. and what your job on CPFD is!

Things Workers MUST NOT do

1. Edit other workers profiles .. you have to click the page that says your name.. and go to " New Post" at the top.. then click " Edit Pages" on the left corner of the page. You can't add posts to pages ( As long as i know ) .. so under the " Title of Page" .. thats the only place you can type your profile and upload pictures :)

2. Change the banner or anything that does not have to do with your profile :)

1 comment:

  1. how do i edit the profile?? i saw urs and rachie's and idk how to do it. HELP ME PWEASE ;(
