Thursday, August 12, 2010

I emailed CP.

I emailed cp aswell as hanna. Heres what i said and what they replied then what i said LOL
> Since i went on vacation about a month ago i have been working on my designs..just drawing some clothes on penguins and tracing them. I would like you to see some of my work :D Please say what you think.
> Thats most of my work..
> One more!
> My friend, Dorian1453, said that i should work for Club penguin. Haha. I might..when im older though. It says you have to be 17 or 18 but im only 13 now :(
> Hope you like my work
> Please reply with your thoughts on whether you like them or not :D
> Bye

Thank you very much for taking your time to write to us and for sending us your AMAZING artwork!

I was very impressed by the drawings you sent us, and definitely want to encourage you to keep up the great work!

I agree with Dorian1453, that would be so cool if you worked for Club Penguin when you're older!  If you are 13 now, and the age requirement for working at Club Penguin is 18, that's 5 years you have to practice your drawing and art skills.

With 5 years of more practice, you will be an even more amazing artist than you already are.  That is really cool to think about!

Once again, keep up the great work, as you are an incredible artist!

Waddle on,

Club Penguin Support
Rachie:Thanks for complimenting me on my art work. Any chance you could send my first email on this to a girl named Jenna? That would be good thanks. A girl named Hannajean spoke to her about her artwork and hannajean and i have our own blog to put our artwork on and you can see my latest design there :D

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